"Cultural production thus constitutes a continuous downpour of objects—visual, auditory, written, theatrical; of uneven quality and heterogeneous status—from which reader-spectators, using the means available to them and in accord with their education, intellectual baggage, and character, gather what they can. What is one to do when caught in this rain?"
-Nicolas Borriaud, The Radicant
My short answer to the question that I quote is this: make a reservoir. Gather around this reservoir. Perform rituals. Commune with daily practices. Keep making it rain.
This body of work is currently in production. Please check back to see it grow.

Pine Song, archival pigment print, 24"x36", 2024
Base paintings used to create Pine Song (more base paintings under Paintings 2024):
The Killing of a Gift Horse, pigment print on archival paper, 24"x24"
Et in Arcadia Ego, pigment print on archival paper, 24"x24"

Paean, archival pigment print, 20"x20", 2024
2 Cranes, 1 River, archival pigment print, 18"x18", 2024
Mooncake Monster (still from video), archival inkjet print, 13"x19", 2023